

Concession Sign Up

Posted by Joe Murphy on Nov 01 2005 at 04:00PM PST
Our Concession dates have been assigned. We will work 11/5, 11/12, 12/3, 12/10. For each game we need 2 people to work the concession stand. We need one person on admission and one to do 50/50. Each shift starts at 4:10 and ends at the end of the Biddy B game. A Biddy B parent will be relieving us.We are doing it this way so you don't miss your daughters game. The admission and concession are going to be set up where you would not be able to see our game. Each spot is easy to do. the 50/50 will start at the admission table. then during the first half that person will go to both gyms and offer the 50/50 to spectators. Then during the 3rd quarter of the game they will, during a time out or break in play draw the ticket in the upper gym and announce the winner. I also need someone to do the clock for our game.It is not hard to do. Everyone is required to pitch in. Maureen Bernstein will be coordinating sign ups for our team. You can reach Maureen at or 439-7035. It looks as though we need 5 people each home game which equals 20 spots. Each family will have to work 2 times. We are covering 4 of the 8 home games so we will be done with ouyr obligation by 12/10. thank yo for your help.


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