

Concession Sign Up

Posted by Joe Murphy on Nov 12 2005 at 04:00PM PST
Concession Sign Ups for the rest of the year.

11/12  - Done                                        12/3
Concession - Sandy Olsen                     Concession - Oretha Lloyd
Concession - Maria Mancuso               Concession - Heather Sica
Admission - Maureen Bernstein           Admission - Pat Bucklin 
50/50 - Emily Stewart                          50/50 - Emily Stewart
Clock - Lee Greenstein                         Clock - Vera Murphy

Concession - ?
Concession - ?
Admission - ?
50/50 - ?
Clock - Lee Greenstein

I don't have the first week in front of me. This is our volunteer commitment for the year. There are 20 spots and 11 girls. If you have signed up for 2 spots thank you and you are done. If you still need to sign up here are the spots we need to fill. Remember everything except the clock is done during the Biddy B Game right before ours. Maureen Bernstein is coordinating this. Please contact her.


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